Motor Insurance Hibret August 22, 2024

— Embrace safer journeys with us
Private Vehicle Insurance

Home insurance
Private vehicle insurance, also known as personal auto insurance or car insurance, is specifically designed for vehicles owned and used for personal purposes, not business use.
Protect whatyou love
Motor Insurance
With a variety of coverage levels available, you can find an insurance plan that fits your specific needs and budget.

— Motor Insurance

Comprehensive Cover
— Embrace safer journeys
This is the most extensive option, offering financial protection against a wide range of risks including collision, overturning, fire, self-ignition, burglary/theft and malicious acts.
Third Party Fire and Theft Cover
— Drive with confidence
Take your protection a step further with Third Party Fire and Theft insurance. In addition to covering third- party damages, this policy also safeguards your vehicle in case of fire damage or theft.
Third Party Coverage
— Get covered today
This is a mandatory coverage a legal requirement for all vehicle owners. It covers your legal responsibility for bodily injury and property damage to others caused by an accident where you are at fault.
Hibret aims to differentiate itself in the market, by building strong customer loyalty,
and be recognized as the preferred insurance services provider that is committed to a high standard of excellence and for protecting what matters most.