Aviation Insurance Hibret November 2, 2024

—Where protection meets perfection
Aviation Insurance

Aviation insurance typically covers a range of risks associated with aircraft operations.

Aviation insurance policies are highly specialized and can be customized based on the specific needs of aircraft operators, owners, and other stakeholders in the aviation industry.

Here are some common aspects that aviation insurance policies cover:

Aviation Insurance

Hull All Risks

This coverage is for physical damage to the aircraft. “All risks” generally means it covers a wide range of perils unless specifically excluded.

Spares All Risks

This covers spare parts and equipment for aircraft maintenance and operation.

Aviation Insurance
Aviation Insurance


Liabilities (Combined Single Limit)

Personal Injury

Covers bodily injury to third parties (not passengers) due to the operation of the aircraft.

Cargo/Mail Legal Liability

Covers legal liabilities for loss or damage to cargo or mail carried on the aircraft.

Passenger Legal Liability

Covers legal liabilities for bodily injury or death to passengers carried on the aircraft.

Passenger Baggage and Personal Articles

Covers loss or damage to passengers' baggage and personal belongings during the flight.